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Rape flowers in full bloom in Maizhokunggar County

By Zhi Xinghua, Liu Fang 2022-07-12

At present, rape flowers are in full bloom in Maizhokunggar County of Lhasa City, southwest China's Xizang Autonomous Region. Golden rape flowers and green highland barley constitute a beautiful picture scroll.


Driving from downtown Lhasa to Maizhokunggar County, rape flowers can be seen along the road, and the earth seems to have been dyed yellow. The view that comes into view is a feast for the eyes.


In Zhaxigang Village of Zhaxigang Town, Maizhokunggar County, the villagers plant various varieties of rape flowers. Using the color difference of rape flowers, the Chinese characters of "Celebrating the 20th National Congress of the CPC" are drawn. 


Photo shows a panoramic view of Zen Village. 

Zen Village of Rutog Town, Maizhokunggar County, used to be a veritable poor village. Now, thanks to the implementation of Lhasa's "Beautiful Village · Happy Home" construction project, Zen Village has become a model village, with brand-new appearance, improved transportation facilities, matched medical treatment and education resources, as well as perfected pension and social security systems. Villagers' sense of gain, happiness and security has been greatly improved. 


Photo shows tourists enjoying rape flowers in the field.


Photo shows rape flowers along the Lhasa-Nyingchi Highway.


Photo shows a tourist enjoying rape flowers in the field.


Photo shows a tourist enjoying rape flowers in the field.


The rape flowers in Maizhokunggar County attract not only tourists, but also Party members of enterprises and institutions that carry out Party building activities. Photo shows Party members taking photos in the rape flower field in Zhaxigang Village.


Photo shows rape flowers in the field. 

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